December 2018

A Christmas Message from Archbishop Charles Thompson

(See the video of this Christmas message | En español)

Mary and the Christ Child are depicted in this stained-glass window located in Prince of Peace Church in Madison. The feast of the Nativity of Christ, a holy day of obligation, is celebrated on Dec. 25. (Photo by Laura Jayne Gardner Photography)

Mary and the Christ Child are depicted in this stained-glass window located in Prince of Peace Church in Madison. The feast of the Nativity of Christ, a holy day of obligation, is celebrated on Dec. 25. (Photo by Laura Jayne Gardner Photography)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Christmas greetings! More than 2,000 years ago, Jesus entered a very broken world. As we gather to mark the birth of the Word made flesh, our celebration is not without the experience of turmoil and sin. The challenges before us today, however, exist in both the Church and the world. Even amid any sense of hurt, disillusionment and anger, we are called to give witness to the hope and joy of the Gospel.

Both challenges and opportunities abound in central and southern Indiana, as they do throughout the Church and world. In the spirit of Christmas, we lift up all endeavors of our local Church to the transforming divine grace that has brought about salvation in and through Jesus Christ. Together, as members of the Body of Christ, may we seek to draw ever closer to God and one another through the means of accompaniment, dialogue, discernment and encounter as missionary disciples. We must not allow the failure of a few to overshadow the incredible witness of so many in the various ministries and services of the Church through Catholic education, health care, charities, stewardship and outreach.

The celebration of Christmas keeps before us how the Lord chose to enter into our hearts, families and world to bring about the healing of wounds, the forgiveness of sins and the reconciliation of relationships. As we reflect on the life of the Holy Family throughout the Christmas season, may we be reminded of how essential it is to remain Christ‑centered in our baptismal call to holiness.

The Archdiocese of Indianapolis is blessed with its own kind of gold, frankincense and myrrh; namely, the gold of amazing people among its clergy, religious and laity, the frankincense of vibrant parishes, and the myrrh of rich Catholic history. All these we offer up in honor of Jesus Christ our King.

Wishing each of you a blessed Christmas and New Year, I remain

Prayerfully yours in Christ,

Archbishop Charles C. Thompson
Archbishop of Indianapolis

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