May 20, 2016

My Journey to God

Your First (and every) Holy Communion

When the host is placed
Upon your palm
Pause, for just a moment,
While you’re looking down.

That’s Jesus you’re holding
In the Flesh.
Now, picture this—
An imaginary line drawn
Straight from your palm
All the way up
To the top of your arm

And when it’s reached
Your shoulder tip
Let that line
Take a sharp turn in—

Into your heart.

Now “take and eat”
The Body of Christ
With your heart
Opened wide.

That’s where Jesus,
The Eucharist goes;
Where He enters
And finds His home.

By Cathy Lamperski Dearing

(Cathy Lamperski Dearing is a member of Saint Barnabas Parish in Indianapolis.)

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