November 6, 2015

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United Catholic Appeal campaign on Nov. 7-8 will impact lives throughout the archdiocese

Criterion staff report

This weekend, Nov. 7-8, is the annual United Catholic Appeal: Christ Our Hope intention weekend.

The goal for this year’s appeal is $6.2 million. The money will be distributed to various ministries and organizations throughout the archdiocese that provide help no single parish could independently offer.

Here are examples of how different United Catholic Appeal: Christ Our Hope donation amounts can impact lives in central and southern Indiana.

  • $10 will pay for two packs of diapers for a young mother caring for her newborn.
  • $25 provides one day of Catholic education for a center-city student.
  • $50 pays for 200 meals for those in need.
  • $75 helps provide education and cultural immersion to a family in the Refugee Resettlement Program.
  • $100 helps provide a month of health benefits for retired priests.
  • $125 helps support the “Called by Name” program inviting young men and women to consider a call to vocations.
  • $150 helps defray the cost of attending a ministry program or camp for one youth.
  • $200 helps provide catechetical formation for a Catholic school educator so they can teach the faith.
  • $400 pays for the books for a seminarian for one semester.
  • $500 provides a year of parenting and nutrition classes for four single moms of newborns.

(For more information on the United Catholic Appeal, log on to or call the Office of Stewardship and Development at 317-236-1415 or 800-382-9836, ext. 1415.)

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