What was in the news on April 26, 1963?
A cardinal believes that Catholics owe an apology to Orthodox Christians in the world
By Brandon A. Evans
This week, we continue to examine what was going on in the Church and the world 50 years ago as seen through the pages of The Criterion.
Here are some of the items found in the April 26, 1963, issue of The Criterion:
- We Catholics owe Orthodox apology, cardinal declares
- “BOSTON—Cardinal Richard Cushing said here that in the quest for Christian unity Catholics should seek forgiveness from their Orthodox brethren for hostilities against them. The Archbishop of Boston said at a theological conference at Boston College that Eastern Christians estranged from the Holy See and those in union with it both have grievances in regard to the Catholic Church. But ‘the Orthodox Christians, those not in union with the Holy See, our separated brethren, are our primary concern for the moment,’ the cardinal said [April 16] at the two-day conference, which opened Boston College’s weeklong observance of its centenary. … ‘Making all allowances for the complications of history, we must in simple honesty confess that they may hold certain things against us: neglect to help them when they were attacked by the Moslems, the pride and ruthlessness of the Crusaders, the sack of Constantinople, the assumption that Latin customs and outlooks were superior, the controversial and hostile spirit of so much Western writings—even in comparatively recent times.’ ”
Ordination Day of Prayer planned
Cardinal will address CCW luncheon Monday
NCEA speaker: Sees more Protestants favoring ‘shared-time’
Pledges top $233,000 for Woods campaign
Unity talks predicted by Orthodox prelate
Bologna cardinal: Hopes council will bring ‘theology of the poor’
Aid-to-education hearings slated
St. Louis seeks to curb racial bias
Dedication set for new college
Sweeping social changes seen Latin American need
Pacem in Terris—a new look at religious freedom and the State
Father Pfau urges dual retreats for restored Catholic alcoholics
Hutchins strongly backs aid to private schools
CYO Songfest slated this Sunday
Says Church art should help to ‘elevate souls’
‘Lawrence of Arabia’ vaguely unsatisfying
Pope notes dignity of farmers’ work
Marian’s ‘Music Man’ to include cast of 80
‘I am proud of it’: President lauds peace encyclical
‘New era of history’ linked to encyclical
(Read all of these stories from our April 26, 1963, issue by logging on to our special archives.) †