October 30, 2009

My Journey to God

Finding Grace

In the soul
exists a craving for it.
In the eyes,
longing for it.
In the arms,
feeling for it.
In the ears,
listening for it.
In the mouth,
tasting for its sweetness.
In the breath,
smelling for its aromatic love.

When the moments happen that grace spreads its wings,
enveloping one’s entire being,
a true gift from God is felt.
The feeling is unlike anything earthly.
There exists a sudden sense that all things are right.
Grace shares the realization that God is in control.
It deepens the faith that He is there in good times and rough.
Grace produces a hope that gives the weakest strength.
It erupts a joy that radiates throughout the mind.

Grace ...
Not hidden.
Longed for.
God’s loving arms surrounding us.

By Maria Vespo Harr

(Maria Vespo Harr is a member of St. Lawrence Parish in Indianapolis. She said inspiration for this poem came after she felt called to attend the parish mission in October of 2009.)

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