November 10, 2006

My Journey to God

Do Not Be Afraid

“… Yet not one [sparrow] has escaped the notice of God. … Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows” (Lk 12:6-7).

I didn’t pay much attention to birds when I was younger. The bird feeder built by Grandpa’s weathered hands has taken on a new focus in the years since his passing. In a way, he left a message about the beauty and simplicity of God’s providence.

We feed the little birds; they grace us with the dance of life: eating and singing.

Big red cardinals and the tiny yellow finches catch my eye. But mostly we get plain brown sparrows and wrens. They are lowly on our feeder’s pecking order, shooed away by the bigger, fancier and noisier cousins. But still they find their place, they are fully fed.

This passage from the Gospel of Luke reminds me that there is a place for each of us, even at our lowliest, in God’s heart and dwelling.

God does not need me to be artificially bigger, better, fancier or louder to dwell with him. Indeed, God sees beyond the exterior, peering past anything I would use to conceal the truth.

I am humbled by this penetrating gaze. But being lowly is a gift because it leaves me with no doubt of my need for our Lord.

This encourages me to be completely open and genuine in my prayer life—not speaking with our Lord about how I MEAN to be, but rather sharing from where I actually AM.

This level of candor pushes me toward utter humility. Then from my humble place, in greater intimacy with our Lord, I am able to look out and see the beauty of all of life around me.

Bright or plain, simple or not, the Lord walks among us and feeds us all. In His example, we reach out to all.

When has being humbled helped you see more clearly? Are there sparrows or little ones of some sort that you are being called to care for?

By Michelle Vander Missen

(Michelle Vander Missen is a member of St. Monica Parish in Indianapolis. She wrote this reflection for St. Monica’s “Daily Readings” e-mail ministry on Oct. 19. To subscribe to this free prayer aide, log on to †


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