April 28, 2006

Welcome, new Catholics!

We welcome the new Catholics who have become full participants in the Church since last Easter. Most of the people listed below received initiation sacraments during the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 15. The names listed here were provided by religious education leaders in local parishes.

The 508 catechumens listed are people who have never been baptized and—within the past year—were baptized, confirmed and received their first Eucharist.

The 598 candidates listed were baptized in other Christian traditions and were received into the full communion of the Catholic Church with a profession of faith, confirmation and first Eucharist during the past year.

Most people are listed in the parishes where they received their religious formation and the sacraments of initiation.

Batesville Deanery

St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Aurora

Randy Dennis, Patricia Leibecke and Danny Smith (catechumens); April Hautman, John Hill and Harry Richards (candidates)

St. Louis, Batesville

Mary Ann Meyer (catechumen); Tammy Bohman, Tina Carie, Beth Goodwin and Matthew Weisenbach (candidates)

St. Mary, Greensburg

Jennifer Field, Kelsey Foster, Kevin Foster, Michele Foster, David Fuel, Brandon Hempstead, Daniel Jones, Kelby Jones, Kylea Jones, Andrew Klosterkemper and Cris Reynolds (catechumens); Patricia Dissett, Gerald Hall, Brian Lang, Mary Smith, Paul Smith and Steve Redmon (candidates)

St. Lawrence, Lawrenceburg

Thomas Butler (catechumen); Amber Lill, Jeff Merkel and Justin Stearns (candidates)

Immaculate Conception, Millhousen

Jason Barnes (catechumen); Scott Moffett and Cathleen Murray (candidates)

St. Maurice, Napoleon

Rick Kohlman and Heather Smith (catechumens)

St. Peter, Franklin County

Jennifer Kocher, Tammy McCool and Kim Westerman (candidates)

St. Paul, New Alsace

Cara Sue Schaefer and Rosa Zinser (catechumens)

Holy Family, Oldenburg

Lily Kruse (catechumen)

St. Vincent de Paul, Shelby County

Brittany Lightner, Donnie and Lisa Vierling (catechumens); Christian Leffew and Douglas Rodgers (candidates)

Bloomington Deanery

St. Vincent de Paul, Bedford

Brian Grissom and Jeremy Plummer (catechumens); Elizabeth Brannigan, Diane Key, Emily Moore, April Rollins and Bill Van Tine (candidates)

St. Charles Borromeo, Bloomington

Ryan Gustus, Deke Hagar, Stephanie Neal, Daniela Pavelkova, Celeste Skoczylas, Cheryl Thomas, Sheila Way-Middleton and Tommy Zajac (catechumens); Dolores Acevedo, Cody Baird, Katrina Ficko, Christopher Isom, George Leach, Swallow Leach, Rachel Moore, Michele Neary, Lauren Russell, Erin Stevenson, Mark Taylor and Corey Zarse (candidates)

St. John the Apostle, Bloomington

Gale Keene, Chad Luck and Michael Sipes (catechumens); Jason Barnett, Michael Bradburn, Valerie Breedlove, Stan Hillerman, Michael Osborn, Candi Sipes, Amy Spencer and Suzanne Sullivan (candidates)

St. Paul Catholic Center, Bloomington

Deetta Clouse, Brian Garrett, Weimao Ke, Matthew Lees, Kayle Mena, Richard Parrish, Ryan Rise and Anna Weigand (catechumens); Robert Barzilauskas, Galia Julieta Benitez, Emily Chang, Megan Cloagh, Chris Collins, Diana Fishel, Nicole Lang, Kathryn Marlett, Matthew Miller, Jonathan Pettit and Kristen Steckbeck (candidates)

St. Martin of Tours, Martinsville

Michael Alderson, Tyria Goins, Kiley Inman, Kane Lesser, Thomas Malan, Lisa Nelson, David Otto, Christopher Phillips, Crystal Schubert and Shelley Thacker (catechumens); Corey Alderson, Debra Burden, Christopher Inman and Whitney Limieux (candidates)

St. Mary, Mitchell

Pam Bartlett, Michael Cook, Sharon Cook, Amanda Daria, Thomas Gerkin, Marten Homan and Nate Wade (candidates)

St. Agnes, Nashville

Rand Eckstein (catechumen); Sereta Andrews (candidate)

Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, Paoli

Caleb Dunn and Josh Eskew (candidates)

Connersville Deanery

St. Michael, Brookville

Betty Alvey, Kelley Davis, Dawn Gindling, Tony Marshall and David Stutzman (candidates)

St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Cambridge City

Lauren Berger and Kelly Ward (catechumens); Jim Deaton, Jennifer Dudley, Barry Gordon and Vallerie Sharp (candidates)

St. Gabriel, Connersville

Ashley Alvey, Vincent Alvey, Cyndi Bernzott, Bill Crawford, Brooke Jobe and Timothy Schnelle (catechumens); Beth Kuhlman, Tylor Russell, David Steinard and Kris Wells (candidates)

St. Bridget, Liberty

Abby Wells (catechumen)

St. Mary, Rushville

Kevin Colson (candidate)

Richmond Catholic Community, Richmond

Cynthia Baker, Misti Black, Nelda Fratellio, Mike Hampton, Amy Hughes, Darin Kirkpatrick, Julie Nobbe, Jerrod Sparks and Melissa Widau (catechumens); Darrah Allen, Dana Alvey, Richard Bodiker Jr., Thomas Bucella, Stephanie Climer, Dana Deakins, Helen Defibaugh, Dusk DeVito, Evelyn Holler, Nicholas Hughes, Jennifer Lahrman, Lora Mika, Catherine Miller, Brad Van Vleet, Jody Whalen, Cathy Witte and Lawana Wright (candidates)

Indianapolis East Deanery

SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral

Jennifer Basham and John Hernandez (candidates)

Holy Cross

Charleen Benham, Steve Bueke, Sophia Burns, Haileigh Chaney, Lauren Chaney, Alice Drake, Anna McLaughlin, Katherine McLaughlin, Kyle Moorman, Maranda Moorman, Mariah Moorman, Timmy Moorman, Kelsey Murphy and Stephanie Wright (catechumens); Dorothy Hurlburt, Sandra Julian and David Smith (candidates)

Holy Spirit

Skyler Ayers, Courtney Blocher, Scott Carter, Jodie Legere, Angela Munoz, Heather Parada, Rich Sutton and Kelly Wessel (catechumens); Michael Adams, Ruth Adams, Matthew Beard, Servando Gomez, Tammy Grimes, Katie Koers, Linda Lee, Kim McGillicuddy, Ashley Neal, Alicia Scott and Tylea Vanoy (candidates)

Our Lady of Lourdes

Trinia Cox, Susan Cripe and Pam Matthews (catechumens); Samuel Bennett, Amy Maguire, Michelle Quagliaroli, Leah Stanfield and Charles Warfield (candidates)

St. Mary

Loreine Calixtro, Kevin Copley, Jennifer Mason and Miguel Rosas (catechumens); John Balon, Eric Caldwell, Ricardo Contreras, Aquilina Espinosa, Aquiberto Galindo, José Francisco Gómez, Vanessa Gomez, Nanette Long, Sergio Mendez, Christopher Pettit, Adrian Revelez, Ana Santos, Richard Swett and Alexander Urbina (candidates)

St. Philip Neri

Nicholas Bryan, Alejandro Garcia, Patty Garcia, Raul Iracheta Martinez, Patricia King and Quintina King (catechumens); Juan Gregorio Fernandez, Claudia Iracheta, Antonia Lopez Jacobo, Bonifacio Sãnchez Lõpez, Nicki Murillo, Pilar Lopez Sales, Carlos Enrique Haz Salez, Armando Murillo Serrano, Juan Murillo Serrano, Ramiro Murillo Serrano and Veronica Torres (candidates)

St. Rita

Jeanine Dixson, Kelly-Lynn Dougherty, Jacqueline Preston and James Reed (catechumens); Jada Freeman (candidate)

St. Michael, Greenfield

Wade Chatman, Shannon Lorsung, Rhonda Maynard, Richard McFall, Shelby McFall, Zachariah McFall, Carl Northam and Jessica Waterman (catechumens); Nannie Alldredge, Tim Alldredge, Victoria Bailey, Michelle Bostock, Paul Douglas, Betty Driesbach, Hope Foley, Gail Isbell, Jeffery Mulligan, Penny Myers and Rachel Oesterling (candidates)

St. Simon the Apostle

Aaron DeLong, Nanci Haber, Andrew Hannaford, Lindsey Joy, Kristyn Kimball, Nicole Ledford, Marsha Lee, Mary Taylor, Ronald Taylor and Kimberly Woehler (catechumens); Beth Della Rocco, Janet Landis, Jennifer Krelic, Judith Meise, Maxwell Meise, Stephen Oren, William Page, Kathleen Paris, Mary Prater, Tawnya Tiplick and Eric Welch (candidates)

St. Therese of the Infant Jesus (Little Flower)

Jason Bickel, Charles Casey, Kebra Marshall and April Wix (catechumens); Mary Bales, Kristine Borden, Lisa Bradford, Brenda Crosley, Jacki Goodin, Monica Huggler, Laura Mervilde, Brenda Rott and Melissa Woodland (candidates)

St. Thomas the Apostle, Fortville

Andrea Ward (catechumen); Greg Barnett, Brian Martin and Karen Tiede (candidates)

Indianapolis North Deanery

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Elizabeth Bearby, Olivia Julian, Alisia Quintana, Tiana Quintana and Lisa Strachota (catechumens); Angie Bowman, Anna Byer, Heather Cero, Jenifer Julian, Paula Ryan, Scott Treida and Robin Wojcieszek (candidates)

Christ the King

Jeremy Dunn, Jason Leffler and Chrissy Swickheimer (catechumens); Hunter Bagwell, Will Brooks, Virgil Harris, Ryan Laughon, Kim Wilcox, Benjamin Wright and Tamara Wright (candidates)

St. Andrew the Apostle

Gabrielle Carroll, Chase Cross, Adam Harvell, Lauron Johnson, Kelani Vestil and Lana Vestil (catechumens); Thomas Jackson Jr. (candidate)

St. Joan of Arc

Cathie Fritz, Chris Harmon, Catherine Marrano, Buffy Moosbrugger, Nicole Pulver, John Senese and Kirk Tebo (candidates)

St. Lawrence

Phil Back, John Brewer, Sondra Hansen, Margaret Ann Warner and Debbie White (catechumens); Michelle Brunson and Latasha Curtis (candidates)

St. Luke

Tad Calahan, John Richardson and Mark Smith (catechumens); Carolyn Bateman, Stephanie Behringer, Terri Bendes, Sam Bloomer, Karen Fox, Steven Lutjens, Barry Melbert, Denis O’Briend, Tom Prather, Leonard Richey, Lesa Riczo, Heather Shrock, Michael Tuttle and Amanda Via (candidates)

St. Matthew

Rachel Beck, Michelle Kowal, Erica Stout, Christina Walsh and Cathy Worrell (candidates)

St. Pius X

D’metri Bailey Jr., Arianna Bluitt, Yamanah Bluitt, Brandy Kaufman, Bailey McKendry and Heather Mullins (catechumens); Brenda Ashburn, Kurt Ashburn, Cisma Bogemann, Bill Chambers, Amy Butler Norkus, Kevin Kaufman, Jarin Pelley and Christopher Welch (candidates)

St. Thomas Aquinas

Andy Cain, Julie Michaelis and Marsha Mimms (catechumens); Michael Alyea, Cinnamon Caughlan, Daud Choudry, Pamela Maloof, Michael Reeves and Abigail Vincent (candidates)

Indianapolis South Deanery

Holy Name, Beech Grove

Evan Brock, Gairy Brock, Mitchell Brock, Kelly Chapman, Kimberly Cannaday, Kaila Jones, Heather Schofield and Barry Stafford (catechumens); Patricia Blanton, Melanie Brock, Victoria Chapman, Brian Cherry, David Jaynes, Elizabeth O’Connor and Rebecca Runkel (candidates)

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary

Emily Bernfield, Richard Buchanan, Tiffany Buchanan, Matt Kohut and Allan Tuttle (catechumens); Dusty Brahlek, Joseph Hester, Judith Johnson, Fred Klepinger, Virginia Richman, Cathy Wilson and William Yater (candidates)

Good Shepherd

Stephen Hostetter, Ashley Kelso, Dennis Kelso, Zacc Ryan and Sarah Stokes (catechumens); Tammy Basey and Ann Eberle (candidates)

Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Tamara Bennett, Misti Elliott, Todd Feljen, Andy Gillespie, Larry Meade, Melanie Wilbur and John Warrenburg (catechumens); Jacqui Afonso, Rick Baue, Annette Gray and Karen Walke (candidates)

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Nova Elsey and Elizabeth Johnson (catechumens); Kurt Denker, Pam Dockery, Sara Gehrich and Elizabeth Wise (candidates)

St. Ann

Frank Henderson and Terry Sullivan Jr. (catechumens)

St. Barnabas

David Adkins, Kelsey Burdine, Tim Burdine, Brian Coss, Samantha Cronk, Gary Lippard, Troy Lundy, Tina Robinson, Christy Rossman, Cassandra Strange and Denise Swingendorf (catechumens); Cynthia Able, Kathleen Cook, Kimberly Cook, Brenda Dugan, Stacey Gibson, Gina Gzibovskis, Brian Harris, Tammy Harris, Cheryle Hillan, Mary Jo Huntington, Kelly McCarry, Jeffrey Miller, Patricia Parson, Jet Quillen, Pamela Rogers, Todd Smith, James Tackett, Alberta Visconti and Aimee Woehler (candidates)

SS. Francis and Clare, Greenwood

Kimberly Dancheck, Nicole Diekhoff, Angela Fella, Amy Frame, Darrell Ladd, Christopher Richardson, David Sargent and Darron Woodward (catechumens); Monica Garcia, Adam Hellinga, Angela Holubar, Carrie Mears, Edward Mears, Ryan Mears, Sue Ellen Mears, Emily Rietel, Gene Sheely, Kevin Simpson, Jason Young, Mariah Young and Stephanie Young (candidates)

St. John the Evangelist

Jill Burleson, Katie Henderson, Christopher Lauffer, Zachary Scearce, Erin Tschohl and Brandon Weasner (catechumens); Scott Eppler, Ashley Groover and Susan Michels (candidates)

St. Jude

David Campbell, Jessica Carr, Chris Davis, Christine Gardner, Danielle Gardner, Kimberly Lopez, Nicole Maletto, Claudia Miller, Joey Miller, Kaila Miller, Brandon Morton, Alexandria Todd, Jonathon Weaver and Natalie Weaver (catechumens); Barbara Bruce, Lorenda Carr, Jessi Cassada, Robert Fahringer, Ashley Faulkenberg, Marisa Gonzalez, Thomas Harlow, Ashley Miller, Ashley Neal, Carla Oehrle, Drew Oehrle, Sarah Perkins, Louis Pollard, William Schulenberg, Elizabeth Toth, John Watson and Thomas Watson (candidates)

St. Mark the Evangelist

Montero Dubose, Montreal Dubose, Mitchell Duvall-Jones, Stuart Duvall-Jones, Darrell Gossett, Abigail Hoff, Amy Gerrish, Rance Kleiber Sr., Jason Neff, Brian Russell, Melissa Russell, John Smith, Jennifer Spurgeon, Amanda Suiters and Scott Tucker, (catechumens); John Caito, Dawn Collier, Montrell Dubose, Stephen Foster, Nicole Gaviola, Al Green, Amy Hon, David Hon, Kaitlyn Hon, Nicole Jeager, Timothy Johnson, Wendy Kochert, Brenda Mabe and Byron Womak (candidates)

St. Patrick

Gerardo Garcia and Bryan Underwood (catechumens); David Corona, Cristina Duran, Griselda Duran, Luis Diaz, Antonio Miranda, Rodrigo Morales, Miriam Ocampo and Cynthia Sanchez (candidates)

St. Roch

Brandan Allender, Tammy Allender, Ron Anderson, Steve Hedges, Cindy Kelley, Emily Layman, Jennifer Long, Julie Lundy, Carly Nelson and Jennifer Nunnally (catechumens); John Eckles, Linda Eckles, Bryan Edwards, David Edwards, Amy Goodwin, Mike Hammans, Christina Hayes, Ricky Manasek, Randy Maupin and Rose Perkins (candidates)

Our Lady of the Greenwood, Greenwood

Tice Barnett, Michel Carter, C.W. Cole, Jane Ann Cole, Jennifer Day, Bobby England, Alexis Gore, Cory Gore, Charles Gould, Jeremy Harvey, John Hasquin, Jessica Jarosinski, Rhonda Leppert, Leah Meador, Heather Penn, Kenneth Quilaton, Ralph Reagan, Christopher Van Sickle and Nicholas Vermillion (catechumens); Elizabeth Brown, Christa Cooper, Scott Farrar, Rebecca Foust, Kerry Holtsclaw, Joshua Jackson, Cassandra Jarosinski, Melissa Kelly, Marissa Knecht, John Lindstrom, Betsy Milburn, Sarah Navel, Glenda Nelis, Gloria Shearer, Amy Skirvin, Steve Skirvin, Pharyne Stephney, Amy Tarr, Kim Torrance, Kristin Torrance, Nancy Wallis, Christie Wilde and Judy Zahorick (candidates)

Indianapolis West Deanery

Holy Angels

Ralita Searcey and Robert Searcey (catechumens); Jerry Jacobs and Linda Searcey (candidates)

St. Christopher

Julliette Azondekon, Rachel Bray, Stephanie Bray, Nicole Clark, Brooke Cooper, Stephen Emminger, Rachael Fry, Elizabeth Gibson, Holly Goff, Kim Holton, Alyssa Kirkham, Cameron Kinnick, Peyton Kinnick, Samuel Leppert, Carla Mertz, Madet Mories, Amanda Schafer, Linda Shepard and Letha Zore (catechumens); Randy Carter, Phillip Coir, Keith Earles, Cheryl Helmer, Deborah Hilton, Abby Meyer, Beth Meyer, Birdie Meyer, Nkeiruka Nwoko and Tiara Schafer (candidates)

St. Gabriel the Archangel

Brian Allen, Kathleen Farnsworth, Matthew Grunden and Sandra Leon (catechumens); Maria Aguilera, Katherine Bobadilla, Isaias Castro, Roberto Duran, Carolos Espinoza, Peggy Hughes, Cinthya La Rosa, Kelly Leon, Katherine Lunavictoria, Selmy Martinez, Rebecca Van Denburgh and Geanny Tavarez (candidates)

St. Joseph

Sharon Allen, Judi Burch, Morgan Helton, Thomas Jackson, Barbara Pleasant and Susan Rottinghaus (catechumens); Chris Everman and Ann LaFave (candidates)

St. Michael the Archangel

Michael Dinkle and Jim Smock (catechumens); Ron Bailey, Michael Chapman, Brian James and Susan Smock (candidates)

St. Malachy, Brownsburg

Carli Doty, Jessica Fields, Abby Hoffman, Scott Lambert, Damien Mitchell, Jennifer Pearsey, Lindsey Reames, Randy Reames and David Williams (catechumens); Bill Bendel, Kathy Bray, Carrie Brown, Hezekiah Doty, Jennifer Dueweke, Ashley Hamby, Ashley Hileman, Kristi Hinkle, Susan Kingery, Patrick Meegan, Christopher Moore, Laura Rizzo, Michele Stolz, Debbie Trocha, Tricia Veach and Richard Wilkins (candidates)

St. Monica

Elizabeth Andrews, James Comstock, Mason Doerr, Anthony Garrett, Kayla Garrett, Janis Hentrup, Stephanie Herman, Alex Johns, Aliea Johns, Charles Johns, Ira Maher, Heather Stephenson and Sony Sung (catechumens); Maria Alverez, Vincente Alverez, Albert Ammons, Deborah Arthur, Tiffany Atkinson, Kim Auberger, Jill Boaz, Jane Davlin, Joseph Delamater, Angela Everhart, Alexandria Fox, Amy Giesler, Mary Goffinett, Brian Gray, Tracy Gray, Stacie Hall, Kevin Harris, Paul Long, Randy Moore, Jaime Naftzger, Cheri Shaffstall, Monica Uleski, Ken Waddell, Donna Wright and Jon Wright (candidates)

Mary, Queen of Peace, Danville

Johnny Balding, Brandi Jackson and Mark Roehrig (catechumens); Rita Howe, Katie Luecht and Patricia Pell (candidates)

St. Thomas More, Mooresville

Frank Brock and Michelle Thomas (catechumens); Elizabeth Lilly (candidate)

St. Susanna, Plainfield

Trina Cook, McKenzie Rock and Anne Witmer (catechumens); Jason Denbrook, Dustin Drook, Kristi Hamblin, Alicia Hummel, Angela Lillpop, Christina Meece and Debra Rock (candidates)

New Albany Deanery

St. Michael, Bradford

Ashton Bosler, Dakota Bosler, Aidan Holt, Alan Holt, Amy Wetzel and Troy Willoughby (catechumens); Margaret Davis, Charles Underwood III and Marketa Underwood (candidates)

St. Anthony of Padua, Clarksville

Drew Barrette, Daniel Burgess II, Sondra Fraze, Donna Good, Scott Merchant, Kelli Stackhouse, Rhonda Thompson, Dylan Wilder and Larry Wilder (catechumens); Josh Barr, Patti Blair, Shannon Bline, Julie Jackson, Shannon Leuthart, Ryan Stackhouse, Peggy Wilder and Tony Worden (candidates)

St. Joseph, Corydon

Derry Rankin and Victoria Rankin (catechumens); Lori Belanger, Amanda Bennett, Lora Edwards, Rose Pennington and Amanda Stickler (candidates)

St. Francis Xavier, Henryville

Gino Ray Couch (catechumen)

Sacred Heart, Jeffersonville

Alison Akermon, Alyssa Akermon, Rachel Davis, Chealsie Hampton, Zachary Hampton, Amanda Hardy, Cara Noel, Emily Noel, Jacob Keown, Tracy Melton, Kameron Pinkston, Dana Sieber and Tammi Stoddard (catechumens); Lynne Crofford, Marcia Hampton, Kathy Woodhouse and Doug Yates (candidates)

St. Augustine, Jeffersonville

Kylie Doherty, Ben Fouts, David Hicks, Mackenzie Hudson, Michelle Hudson, Rachel Mattingly and Velma Saphara (catechumens); Mary Fouts, Pamela Guennouni, Linda Lovan, Judy Pasierbowicz and Amanda Voigner (candidates)

St. Mary, Lanesville

Nikki Cannon (catechumen); Carl Cannon, Judy Cannon and Jacie Brengmant (candidates)

St. Mary, Navilleton

Veronica Ansert (catechumen)

Holy Family, New Albany

Ashlyn Anderson, Jessica Bansbach, Nicole Felkey, Charlene Fessel, Douglas Kincaid, A.J. LaLonde and Sierra Whitlock (catechumens); Elizabeth Busher, Hunter Castleberry, Angela Conklin, Emily Corbett, Keaton Jacobi, Albert Knable Jr., Melissa Konijeti and Meredith Sant (candidates)

St. Mary, New Albany

Denise Dodge, Lawrence Russell and Carla Sandifer (catechumens); Patricia Aguirre, Del Rae Berg, Amy Bissinger, Vickie Carpenter, Brandy Daly, Beverly Daly, Kristina Daly, Faron Goodrow III, Melinda Neagle, Jeffrey Powers, Nichole Price and Sharon Shannon (candidates)

St. Joseph, Sellersburg

Donna Marcum, Ali Mullah, Lisa Mullah, Neso Mullah, Mark Noe and David Roach (catechumens); Andrea Graf, Jeremy Hiser, Michael Koerber, Jeff Marcum, Charles Richardson, Amanda Roach, David and Dorothy Roach (candidates)

St. Paul, Sellersburg

Jamie Adamson, Scott Hebble, Trent Hunt, Margaret Varney and Robin Wilcox (catechumens)

St. John the Baptist, Starlight

Travis Mahan (candidate)

Seymour Deanery

St. Bartholomew, Columbus

Dominic Alberson, Jackie Bolton, Javier Garcia, Nathan Hagerty, Ashleigh Hudson, Tiffany Hudson, Dewayne Janes, Calista King, Brad Manns, Jessica Martinez, Johnny Martinez, Sydni Mullis, Ufrady Olan, Lucas Orrison, Zach Schwa, Brian Simpson, Becky Smith, Isabel Uscanga, Casey Wheeler and Andy Zollman (catechumens); Sandy Allman, Scott Allman, Betty Cooley, Crystal Everett, Samantha Flores, Carlos Franco, Brian Hagerty, Terry Hall, Sandy Himelrick, Carl Lampton, Juan Martinez, Elisabeth Nelson, Amy Niedbalski, Gina Orrison, Marilyn Stafford, Glen Vogel and Julie Wagner (candidates)

St. Rose of Lima, Franklin

Ray Mills, Jeremy Rollins and Kim VanValer Shilts (catechumens); Mark Alexander, Pamela Dillow, Chad Ferman, Carrie Flatt, Lisa Hobbs and John Senac (candidates)

Prince of Peace, Madison

Michael Elburg, Eric Graham, Julie Graham, Jennifer Hartman, Brandy Heath, Mark Jones, Kelly Russell and William Russell (catechumens); David Carlow, Carol Eburg, Mark Elburg, Laura Gardner, Elizabeth George, Phoedra Jones, Jodi Smith, Angela Thorpe and Rebecca Thorpe (candidates)

St. Mary, North Vernon

Deloris Everroad, Courtney Huckleberry, Rachael Shaw, Annie Wickens and Shane Wilson (catechumens); Jerry Bower, Andrea Dorsett, Corie Edens, Sophie Edens, Amanda Goetz, David Kopitzke and Mandy Leahigh (candidates)

American Martyrs, Scottsburg

Carol Abney, Kathy Goines and Amanda Munden (catechumens); Judy Lizenby, Patricia Marcum and Kelly Shafer (candidates)

St. Ambrose, Seymour

Brea Street, Roy Cantrell II, Scott Ousley, Judith Pullins, Travis Thompson and Jennifer Vance (catechumens); Angela Gillaspy and Peggy Harper (candidates)

Tell City Deanery

St. Meinrad, St. Meinrad

Marissa Poole and Mary Russelburg (candidates)

St. Paul, Tell City

Kelsie Bland, Charles Brown, Lee Ann Holtzman and Laura Richey (catechumens); Logan Faust, Alan Hess, Jerri Lynn Kuster, Catherine Luecke, Michelle Riley and Dolly Smith (candidates)

Terre Haute Deanery

Annunciation, Brazil

Danielle Bryan, Heather Bryan, John Bryan and Jacob Goodpaster (catechumens)

Sacred Heart, Clinton

Michael Chaney, Laurie Harmon, Jessica Hughes, Melinda Hughes, Robin Lindsey, Julie Padish, Dean Stillwell and Zack Weatherly (catechumens); Terry Hinzy, Larry McLaughlin, Heather Norman and Linda Sue Wilson (candidates)

St. Paul the Apostle, Greencastle

Amy Barger, Benjamin Horvath and Sandra Rossok (catechumens); Amy Koester (candidate)

St. Mary-of-the-Woods, St. Mary-of-the-Woods

Susan Atkinson, Sara Little and Lauren Sullivan (catechumens); Lesilyn Ellinwood and Carolyn Quellet (candidates)

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Terre Haute

Michael Lowe (catechumen); Ammanda Barnhart and Ashley Lowe (candidates)

St. Ann, Terre Haute

Thomas McCullough (catechumen)

St. Benedict, Terre Haute

Troy Carter, Robert Hart, Chloe Reed, Ronald Steiner, Cary Vernon, Carole Walker, Landon Walker, Laya Walker, Luke Walker, Cole Welch, Marina Welch and William Welch (catechumens); J. Annette Burch, Elizabeth Greenwell and Cathryn Hamilton (candidates)

St. Joseph University, Terre Haute

Jeff Andrew, Casey Critchlow, Zachary Critchlow, Eian Luken, Erin Luken, Ethan Luken, Jeremiah Luken, Cody Mattox, Michelle Mattox and Justice Oznoff (catechumens); Nicholas Lawson and Cameron Quinn (candidates)

St. Margaret Mary, Terre Haute

Teresa Clark, Kristina Hiatt, Nicholas Hiatt and Kelly Schwenk (catechumens); Myron Hiatt and Charles Williams (candidates)

St. Patrick, Terre Haute

Deric Bryan, Bryan Fair, Monica Ford, Heather Lee, Luke MacDonald, Amanda Sanders and Billie Williams (catechumens); Bill Baker, Ben Chastain, Chris Conner, Autumn Dillman, Kathy Eastham, Larry Fleschner, Aaryn Fuller, Jennifer Hawkins, Scott Hawkins, Mary Ann Owens and Rowdy Williams (candidates) †

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